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 Naruto Ninja Council 3

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Join date : 2008-08-01

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PostSubject: Naruto Ninja Council 3   Naruto Ninja Council 3 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 09, 2008 2:21 pm

Naruto Ninja Council 3 Nj3ds

Naruto Ninja Council 3 -- DS

This is game is a decent game for naruto fans. Its fun but the amount of characters is too small. One thing that makes it cool is that the story goes in missions so a variety of missions. One thing that sucks is that you don't know what party of the story the game ends at. Personally I give this game a 4.0 out 5. There are 24 characters in this and 64 missions to do. The highest rank you can get in the is jounin, though I think if you get excellent on all the missiions I think you get ANBU or Hokage or something. All the characters you can play are listed below.

4.Ino (Unlock in mission)
5.Neji (Unlock in Mission)
6.Jariaya (Unlock in Mission)
7.Itachi (Unlock in Mission)
8.Kisame Hishogake (Unlock in Mission)
10.Rock Lee
15.Kabuto (unlock in mission)
16. Orochimaru (Unlock in Mission)
17. Kidomaru (Unlock in MIssion)
18 Tayuya (Unlock in Mission)
19.Jirobou (Unlock in Mission)
20. Sakon and Ukon (Unlock in Mission)
21.Tsunade (Unlock in Mission)
22.Gaara (Unlock in Mission)
23.Kankuro (Unlock in Mission)
24.Temari (Unlock in Mission
These are the ranks of missions and when they start coming up.
D - Academy Student
C - Genin
B - Chunin
A - Special Jounin
S - Jounin
Well thats all my info for now. Be excepting that more reviews comign soon from me. lol!

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