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 Metal Gear Solid 4

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PostSubject: Metal Gear Solid 4   Metal Gear Solid 4 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2008 10:21 am

Hello everybody. So this is probably the first video game review that I’ve done in a long time. The review is for Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots for the Playstation 3. I hope you like this review as I have worked hard on writing it. So without further adieu, lets gear up. It’s game time.


- Price... Does it matter? It's Metal Gear Freaking Solid.
- System: Playstation 3 (Blu-Ray)
- Age: Mature (17+)
- Online: (1-16 players)

Like any Metal Gear Instalment, MGS4 is filled with dramatic music, an overwhelming barrage of fantastic voice acting and a story that will keep you on edge until the mind-numbing conclusion. You play as a prematurely aged Solid Snake, now known as Old Snake as he embarks on one last mission to take down Liquid Ocelot with the aid of old friends and new accomplices.


The graphics displayed in MGS4 is nothing short of spectacular and it can easily take the title of ‘the most graphically beautiful game of the year (so far. xD)’. It is very evident that Kojima and his team took pride in delivering the final chapter of the Saga as an experience that won’t ever be forgotten. Whether it be the glare of the sun or the glistening of your gun or even the sweat on Snake’s brow, the overall atmosphere is something that will ultimately knock both of your socks off and with near-zero graphical glitches, the story will capture you unhindered and take you along for an unforgettable ride of a lifetime.

Total Score 25/25


Following the very complex story that is the Metal Gear Saga, MGS4 serves to tie together all the loose ends and in my opinion, has done so famously. As mentioned before, you play as an aged Solid Snake as he sets out on one last mission: To take down Liquid Ocelot and while he does so, he finds himself caught up in an unravelling plot that will throw twists and turns your way until the very end. Whether it will be telling you who the DARPA Chief really was, where EVA has been or why Raiden is so damn kick @$$, the story is really something for the ages and what better way to deliver it then to re-introduce all of those characters that we know and love? And that is just what Kojima decided to do. With familiar faces such as Meryl Silverburgh and Johnny The-Weak-Stomached Guard on your side, the plot heightens to a new and thought-to-be impossible level of story telling. In my opinion, the story for MGS4 was simply fantastic and Kojima did a incredible job summing up the stories of not only Snake but Meryl, Otacon and the whole cast of the Metal Gear Solid Saga.

Total Score 25/25


The gameplay, much like the story and graphics of MGS4, is really something else. It introduces a new level of weapon customization, a never before seen point system-- for purchasing ammo and the occasional skin mag-- and the very awesome, reworked technology that is of course, stealth camouflage… or more precisely, OctoCamo. Using this technology allows Snake to blend with any environment in the matter of mere seconds and heightens the stealth experience that has been evident in every game to date. Along with the previously mentioned features, MGS4 has a heck of a lot more to offer. Including complete control of the Mk. II (A small reconnaissance metal gear), new weapons and even new places to hide-- My favourite being the rusted barrel or even the garbage dumpster. My own peeve with the gameplay was that there wasn’t enough of it. Compared to the excessive amount of cut scenes, gameplay seemed to come in very limited amounts.



Like every Metal Gear Solid game, the music is pretty much on par. With an unbelievable performance brought to you by MGS regular, Harry Gregson-Williams, it is easy to become lost in the emotions that thrive in cutscenes and gameplay. Whether it is a dramatic scene between Raiden and Snake or a battle between you and the BB Corps, the music will be sure to impress. Even the voice acting, brought to you by David Hayter, Quinton Flynn and the other regular MGS voice actors is amazing. (David Hayter doing an exceptional job in my opinion!) The feelings shown is unpresidented and aids in the delivery of the heartwarming, emotion-filled finale of the MGS Saga. Edit: I thought I should also mention the iPod. Yes folks. Snake, the technology illiterate super soldier has an iPod. I thought this was a pretty neat feature. Instead of being forced to listen to default music, you can switch on Snake's iPod and listen to some different tunes. I figure you should be able to listen to music stored on your PS3 though I still havn't been able to get it working. Wouldn't it be great to go up against a boss while listening to Eye Of The Tiger?


The Good:

- A whole new MGS experience
- A fantastic conclusion to the MGS Saga
- Completely reworked stealth and overall gameplay

The Bad

- Not enough gameplay!
- Not enough gameplay!
- Not enough gameplay!

Graphics: 25/25
Story/Characters: 25/25
Gameplay: 22/25
Soundtrack: 25/25

[big]Overall Score: 97 plot twists out of 100[/big]

There you have it. I know it seems like I’m favouring the game but what I wrote is my true opinion. I hope you enjoyed reading and I really hope you decide to check this game out. It is really worth playing. I didn’t even get into half of the details that make the game so great but I hope I did manage to paint a pretty good picture. Well, until next time. You know what I'm going to say.

This has been San.

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PostSubject: Re: Metal Gear Solid 4   Metal Gear Solid 4 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 30, 2008 7:00 am

Could not agree with you more, that game was incredible. You mentioned nothing of MGO, however, one of the features that won me over to buy the game. Great review, excellent game, one of the best of our generation, no doubt.
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PostSubject: Re: Metal Gear Solid 4   Metal Gear Solid 4 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 30, 2008 7:38 am

Thanks. I rarely ever include online content in my reviews mainly because I don't always get a chance to try it out. But I have heard good things about MGO and I can't wait to try my hand at it.
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PostSubject: Re: Metal Gear Solid 4   Metal Gear Solid 4 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 03, 2008 11:11 am

I finaly tried Metal Gear Solid 4. The game well... its better then the other MGS games but... still didnt like it... not into the stealth that much. But the graphics... wow awesome
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PostSubject: Re: Metal Gear Solid 4   Metal Gear Solid 4 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 03, 2008 9:45 pm

strongly agree with this review loved the game beat it several times and i still enjoy playing it. I still feel this is not the lsat MG game tho. It is the last for Snake for sure tho. There has been rumors that a 5th one is being plotted out. might be another prequel. To take you back further into the story of Big Boss.

But again. MGS4. so far to this day i will say is the best PS3 game available at the moment, and in my mind. the most beautiful graphics. amazing audio. great voice over.

id strongly suggest all to play this game.
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PostSubject: Re: Metal Gear Solid 4   Metal Gear Solid 4 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 04, 2008 7:17 am

really joe? the best game for ps3 right now? i guess maybe if you followed the game and liked to watch movies while playing a game. playtime was what, 3 hours? the rest was 12 hours of watching. i won't argue the graphics or audio but calling it the best game on market to date is a stretch simply cause you don't play much. you mostly watch. that's a movie, not a game.
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PostSubject: Re: Metal Gear Solid 4   Metal Gear Solid 4 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 04, 2008 11:47 am

shut it andrew lol. Just cause you didnt like the game and because your having a bad day dont bash the game!!!
lol The game was awesome. And in my mind it is the best.
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PostSubject: Re: Metal Gear Solid 4   Metal Gear Solid 4 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 04, 2008 11:58 am

not having a bad day, just tired and whatnot. the game is good but not the best. it was a movie damnit! Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Metal Gear Solid 4   Metal Gear Solid 4 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 04, 2008 6:12 pm

its an interactive movie game thingy lol.
Great story. Great Graphics, Great Voice Overs, great characters, awesome game play. I will admit that play time is still short. But if you take the time to actually try sneak around and be undetected. It takes longer. That is the way it was ment to be played. Not rushed.
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PostSubject: Re: Metal Gear Solid 4   Metal Gear Solid 4 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 04, 2008 9:01 pm

i tried to go through it silently. it wasn't happening. oh well. i beat it and now i don't have to play it anymore Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Metal Gear Solid 4   Metal Gear Solid 4 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 6:01 pm

lol how can you not wanna play it again.
and you just suck at being stealthy Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Metal Gear Solid 4   Metal Gear Solid 4 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2008 7:54 am

whatever, i didn't like the game. COD pwns
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PostSubject: Re: Metal Gear Solid 4   Metal Gear Solid 4 Icon_minitime

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